The Gloucester Project
Talks, Seminars, Conferences
Upcoming Events​​​
Benjamin Redding, 'The Gloucester Across the Globe: Cromwell's Warship, 1654-60', The Holt Society, the Holt Venue, 14 February 2025, 7.00pm.
Claire Jowitt, 'Why the Wreck of the Gloucester in 1682 Matters: The Secrets of a Restoration Warship', Dereham Baptist Church, 18 March 2025, 2.00pm.
Past Conference
The Life, Times, and Heritage Futures of the Gloucester Conference, Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery, 12-13 May 2023 (further information available here).
Past Seminar Series
The Stories of the Gloucester Shipwreck: Norfolk's Mary Rose, Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery, Seminar Series (watch a recording of the seminar series here):
25 April 2023, 'Music, Drinking, and Other Intoxicants in Restoration Britain'.
Dr Angela McShane, Honorary Reader in History, University of Warwick, ‘Drinking and Smoking at Sea During the late Seventeenth Century: A Social History Both Above and Below Decks’.
Professor Peter Holman MBE, Emeritus Professor of Historical Musicology, University of Leeds, ‘Music of the Stuart Court Before and After the Gloucester Shipwreck’.
16 May 2023, 'An Avoidable Tragedy? The Duke of York, Politics, and Naval Policy'.
Professor Andrew Lambert, Laughton Professor of Naval History in the Department of War Studies at King's College, London, 'A Naval Man: The Leadership Qualities of James Stuart, Duke of York and Albany'.
Dr J. D. Davies, Chair of the Society for Nautical Research, 'The State of the Royal Navy in the 1670s and 1680s'.
20 June 2023, 'Shipwreck and the Sea in Early Modern Art and Culture: New Horizons and Watery Graves'.
Dr Carl Thompson, Reader in Romanticism, University of Surrey, 'The Cultural and Political Meanings of Shipwreck and the Sea under the Later Stuarts'.
Dr Elsje van Kessel, School of Art History, University of St Andrews, 'Shipwreck, Material Culture, and the Body'.
11 July 2023, 'Stuart Style: Textiles from the Gloucester'.
Professor Maria Hayward, History, University of Southampton, 'The Politics of Restoration Fashion'.
Ninya Mikhalia, Historical Costumier and Ruth Battersby Tooke, Senior Curator of Costume and Textiles, Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery, 'Curating and Replicating Stuart Style'.
Past Events
Claire Jowitt, 'The Last Voyage of the Gloucester (1682), and Why it Matters', Bungay Flower Club, 25 October 2024.
Claire Jowitt, 'Why the Wreck of the Gloucester in 1682 Matters: The Secrets of a Restoration Warship', UEA Retirement Association (RA), Costessey Centre, 24 September 2024.
Claire Jowitt, 'The Stories of the Gloucester Shipwreck, 1682', Thomas Plume's Library, Maldon Annual Lecture 2024, 28 September 2024.
​​Benjamin Redding, 'A New Warship: The Gloucester, The Western Design, and Oliver Cromwell', Dereham Heritage Trust, 11 September 2024.
The Gloucester Project Team, 'The Gloucester Shipwreck & its Future', Council Chamber, The University of East Anglia, 11 July 2024.
Benjamin Redding, 'Crisis Before the Shipwreck: The Gloucester and Oliver Cromwell's Western Design, 1654-1656', Blakeney Area Historical Society, 26 March 2024.
Julian Barnwell and Claire Jowitt, ‘The Discovery of the Gloucester: A Norfolk Story’, Ipswich Maritime Trust, 6 March 2024.
Claire Jowitt, 'Last Voyage of the Gloucester', Time & Tide Museum of Great Yarmouth Life, 1 March 2024.
The Gloucester Project Team at the Norwich Science Festival, Gorleston Science Satellite, East Norfolk Six Form College, 21 February 2024.
Claire Jowitt and Benjamin Redding, 'The Wreck of the Gloucester', Aldeburgh & District Local History Society, 21 February 2024.
Claire Jowitt, 'Why the Wreck of the Gloucester in 1682 Matters: The Secrets of a Restoration Warship', Knowledge Mile: Lord Mayor's Lecture Series, 2023/24, 22 February 2024.
Claire Jowitt, 'The Last Voyage of the Gloucester and Why it Matters', Folkestone Engineers Group, 12 December 2023.
Julian Barnwell and Claire Jowitt, ‘The Discovery of the Gloucester: A Norfolk Story’, Royal Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht Club, 24 November 2023.
Benjamin Redding, 'The Gloucester in the Caribbean, 1654-1656', The Cromwell Museum Autumn Lecture Series, 22 November 2023.
Claire Jowitt, 'The Last Voyage of the Gloucester and Why it Matters', Fireside Chat, Royal Naval Association, Online, 13 November 2023.
Claire Jowitt, 'The Last Voyage of the Gloucester and Why it Matters', The Norfolk Club, 9 November 2023, 11.00am.
Claire Jowitt, 'The Wreck of the Gloucester, 1682: A Norfolk Story', West Norfolk & King's Lynn Archaeological Society, Marriott’s Warehouse, South Quay, King’s Lynn, 17 October 2023.
Julian Barnwell and Claire Jowitt, 'HMS Gloucester - History and Discovery', Reepham Rotary Club, Reepham 6th Form College, 16 October 2023.
Benjamin Redding, 'The Gloucester in the Caribbean, 1654-1656: Oliver Cromwell's Western Design', Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery, 7 August 2023.
Claire Jowitt, 'The Last Voyage of the Gloucester and Why it Matters', Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery, 31 July 2023.
Benjamin Redding, 'The Gloucester, the Stuart Navy, and a Royal Tragedy at Sea', Royal Stuart Society, London Scottish House, Westminster, 22 June 2023.
Claire Jowitt, 'The Last Voyage of the Gloucester, 1682: A Royal Shipwreck', Suffolk Archives, Bury St Edmunds, 14 June 2023.
Benjamin Redding, 'The Gloucester Shipwreck: A Norfolk Story', Great Yarmouth Local History & Archaeology Society', 2 June 2023.
Julian Barnwell and Claire Jowitt, 'The Secrets of the Gloucester: The Past, Present, and Future of a Restoration Royal Warship', Lasdun Lecture, The Royal Institution, London, 16 March 2023 (watch a recording of the lecture here).
Claire Jowitt, 'Norfolk's Mary Rose: the Wreck of the Gloucester 1682', Annual Collingwood Lecture, The Collingwood Society, Newcastle upon Tyne Royal Grammar School, 7 March 2023.
Benjamin Redding, 'The First Voyage of the Gloucester (1654–6): Life and Death in the Caribbean', Society for Nautical Research Winter Lecture Series, 18 January 2023.
Claire Jowitt, 'Norfolk’s Royal Shipwreck: The Loss of the Gloucester, 1682, The Proctor Memorial Lecture, King's College London, 8 December 2022.
Claire Jowitt and Julian Barnwell, 'Norfolk’s Mary Rose, the Wreck of the Gloucester 1682: An Evening with the Experts', Norwich Rotary Club at Norwich Assembly House, 27 October 2022.
Claire Jowitt and General Lord Richard Dannatt, ‘The Discovery of the Gloucester: A Norfolk Story’, University of East Anglia Annual Council, 21 October 2022.
Benjamin Redding, 'The Gloucester (1682): Norfolk’s Royal Shipwreck', Norfolk & Norwich Archaeological Society, 10 September 2022.
Britain and the World Conference 2022, University of Plymouth, UK (14-17 June):
Jared Butler, 'Naval Evolution During the Interregnum: The Rise of English Sea Power, 1649-1660'.
Claire Jowitt, 'The Last Voyage of the Gloucester (1682): The Politics of a Royal Shipwreck'.
Benjamin Redding, '"Not Honorable for a Princely Navy": The Gloucester and its Crew in The Western Design 1654-1656'.